Developing trust as a necessity
Proverbs 3:6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
Trust is the currency that completes the transaction with God.
Trusting God is simply believing that He loves you, He’s good, He has the power to help you, He wants to help you, and He will help you. Christians are called believers, but many times, we are more like unbelieving believers. We trust our friends, the bank, the stock market or the government more than we trust God and His Word (Joyce Meyer).
Trusting God means that we are totally relying on His strength, His wisdom, His Spirit, His guidance, His leadership, His integrity and the absolute truth of His WORD.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my
mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
We have been taught to trust our own hearts, feelings, instinct, and those of others. These are not bad at all, but with Jesus in the picture, we transfer the trust from ourselves to Him. As much as we are incline to trust ourselves, we can begin to develop our God given instinct to totally trust and depend on what God says. Trust is something we develop as we make God’s word our number one priority. Saying we trust and actually trusting is two difference things. Believe it or not we need to be developed in our trusting skills. This is necessary when you are consistent in the Word and prayer. We seem to only find trust important when our backs are against the wall. No need to wait until something happens, not when we can work on our trusting skills daily.
My husband and I were faced with a situation that could have shook us up and put us in a place of worry. When the situation developed immediately my mind geared into the word. Scriptures I have been reading over the past weeks, months and years came flooding into my mind. The Holy Spirit help me develop a coping mechanism where the word was in my mouth, my ears, my heart and instructed not to consider the negative. Not to give it the time of day. Not to dwell on it. When things happen, we tend dwell on it and we consider it more than we consider the word. It’s not that it didn’t creep up often, but when it did; the word and the Spirit raise up the standard I needed to stay in faith and to walk in peace. If the Devil can steal your peace, he will because then fear takes over and your mind is consumed in a war zone. It wasn’t long before God worked it out beautifully. Developing trust must start with a conscious and deliberate effort. You must deliberately put the truth in you daily so when you need it the most you’ll have it.
These are some practical things we can do to develop of trusting skills
- Start considering what God says first, before you consider what the doctor says, or any negative report. Find appropriate scriptures and speak it over and over every day.
- Bombard your mind with the word. Put it in your eyes, your ears, and rehearse it all day long. Habitually study the Word to really have confidence in God.
- Keep your mind stayed on God (Isa 26:3).
- Commit your ways to the Lord (Psalm 37:5). Trust that he will bring it to past.
- Labor to rest in Him – (Heb. 4:11).
- Follow His voice-His leading (John 10:25). The good Shepherd will not lead you into destruction and he will not leave you to wander alone.
- Do not depend on you – Trust Jesus.
The evidence of Trust
The evidence of trust is the refusal to worry.
When you trust you, don’t fuss.
When you trust, you walk in peace.
When you trust, your mind is at ease.
When you trust you have confidence that it is going to be alright.
When you trust you are persuaded that God’s got you.
When you trust you let go and let God.
When you trust you stop focusing on you and you focus on Him- His finished works.
When you trust you stop carrying IT and let Him carry you.
Develop trust in the word now so you have substance to fall back on when you need it.
Be Blessed.
Advancing the Kingdom of God.