The intent of a fully loaded mouth

A gun is known as a very deadly weapon, especially when it is loaded. Whether law abiding citizens use it in self-defense, or criminals use it to get what they want. It has the potential to do great damage, once the trigger is pulled. The gun is an extreme example; it creates all sorts of destruction to its target. You see, once you pull that trigger, you cannot turn back that bullet, you cannot wish the bullet back. Words are like that. Words come from the seat of our hearts and emotions, so when we speak words, they will create an impact. They can be devastating or motivating. The same goes for written words such as; emails, facebook, twitter and other social networking sites. Once words are released they are hard to take back. People have lost their jobs, friends, get slapped with law suits and made enemies writing insensitive things about other people. Now I am not talking about the abuse of guns and gun violence, but I am however, drawing a comparison here, showing how reckless use of words can do the very same damage to someone’s emotions, dreams, self-confidence and literally create wounds that only God can heal. I might even venture to say, words may be more powerful than guns. We never think about the damage words create to others and to ourselves, but they can be pretty destructive. They can create or heal the very emotional, dysfunctional attitudes that breeds gun violence.
Family hurts
Perhaps, the greatest damage of words occur in the family. Words spoken in haste to family members have been the single most influential tool in bringing about separation and ultimately destroying family relationships.
As a mom I had to understand that, not because I am the parent, I get to say what I want to my children. Words can create devastating wounds in children, they walk away feeling rejected, develop low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity and feelings of not being loved. This may create distrust, display fits of rage and anger as a result. Even adult children bear emotional scars from words spoken by a parent years ago. I don’t apologize for disciplining my children, but I have to always remember they are humans and I have the power to make them or break them.
Marriages are literally torn apart by demeaning words. You cannot build a meaningful happy marriage, by bashing your spouse and pinpointing their faults every time there is an argument. Wives and husbands run from each because of demeaning words. Constant belittling of your spouse’s character will drive your spouse away from you. Think about a man who finds every excuse to stay away from his wife- excuse “she nags all the time”. She bashes and belittles him so much, that he feels less than a man. My husband and I did that years ago, we bash and tell each other some insulting and hurtful words. That didn’t solve the problem to begin with, it created a different one- insecurity and open wounds. Since then we vow never to speak hurtful and demeaning words again to each other. We knew, it was destructive and unproductive for a good marriage. There are certain no, no phrases in our marriage, as simple as it seems “You’re stupid”. Words hurt for a long time and we have learned to take some words out of our vocabulary. We deal with the issue instead of releasing insult bullets we cannot take back.
If you need to retrain yourself to speak kindly to people, do it. Make a deliberate effort to speak without an intent to wound. You will be happier, your family will be happier and your marriage will be happier. Make that effort every day, to be an excellent communicator with family, friends and even strangers.
The power of words
The power of words have the ability to shape our world just like God created the world by his spoken word. Words affect our emotions, our perception, influence our decisions and may change the way we view the world. Words are dangerous when they are used in the wrong way. And when they are loaded with hate, envy, hurts, jealousy, anger, insecurities and low self-esteem they become like guns or other lethal weapons; creating wounds, scars and destruction? Words can be remembered twenty, thirty, forty years later and almost throughout one’s life time.
On the contrary, words are wonderful and powerful when are used in the proper way. They can ignite a spark and fire in someone to better themselves, they can edify and encourage people to pursue their dreams, to quit a bad habit, change their lifestyle and get better grades. They provide so much confidence to the hearers that they motivate them to make immediate changes. Don’t be the kind of person who shoots first then ask questions later. Psalm 141:3 “Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips.” The writer wanted his prayers to be answered and his worship to be acceptable. I don’t know about you, but as for me, I constantly feel the Holy Spirit putting a guard over my mouth. Jesus said it’s not what goes in that defiles, but it is, what comes out of one’s mouth that defiles him (Matthew 15:11).
Load your mouth with the word
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it…. (Joshua 1:8)
Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say (Exodus 4:12)
For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say (Luke 12:12).
Load your mouth up with the word of God- it’s wholesome and full of life. It’s time we yield this part of our lives to the Holy Spirit. Words are powerful tools so use them to inspire, motivate, encourage and empower those you encounter. We get to decide the intent of our words before they are released.
Tell me
What bible verse do you use to help keep your mind and mouth in line?
How do you keep your mouth in check? What do you say or do?
How much are you aware of your words impacting others good or bad?
How much time are you spending loading up the right stuff?
Be blessed.
Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth.