Category Archives: Prayer Focus

Do you lack wisdom?

Do you lack wisdom?

Do you feel like there are some decisions you need to make but you just don’t know how to decide? Or do you feel like you are at a crossroad in your life and not sure which way to go? This is a simple case of lacking wisdom and discernment.

If you lack wisdom, You should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James1:5).

Jesus has become wisdom for us
It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God–that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 1 Corinth.1:30.

There are many decisions that you may have to make in the coming weeks, months and years, but by simply taking the time to seek out the wisdom of God, you will be led down the right path. His wisdom is super-above any worldly wisdom.

Many might search out the wisdom of great men, who have made awesome impacts on the world. Yet there is one whose wisdom has not been fully tapped. His wisdom is past finding out. The Queen of the South came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, a wisdom no doubt many of us would like to exercise in this day and age. Yet we have an untapped source of wisdom that if we’d seek him, we will discover above and beyond what the world’s greatest mind can’t produce. Luke 1:31-32.

The source of wisdom is not Solomon- the wisest man that ever lived, but Jesus Christ, who became wisdom for us. Let us therefore, tap into His unlimited source of wisdom today.

Be blessed.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth.

Don’t give up too soon

Don’t give UP too  soon

Know ye not that those who run in a race all run, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain it. (1 Corinth 9:24)

Strength in weaknessI have had some very challenging days behind me. Days I had to put the WORD to work deliberately or sink into depression. Days I have had to hold it together when it felt like things were falling apart. These were the days when I knew that my faith was the only thing that could carry me through. These days were actually the best days, because, when I was weak, then, I was really strong. Then I knew what I was truly made of, and the power of WORD to work all the time. (That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinth. 12:10).

Use the power of the WRITTEN WORD

When you are all alone in your whatever situation, don’t allow the devil to badger your mind, tear up on the inside. Word powerIn life we are all going through changes, growing pains. Whether it’s a relationship, a  job, a health issue, etc., you may experience feelings of just throwing in the towel and quitting altogether, at least temporarily. Don’t let those changes whip your out of faith out of shape, without you opening your mouth and speaking the WORD. Refute every negative thing the devil throws your way. Refute the negative with the WORD of God. Don’t give when tough times come, they don’t last. Positive words will not be enough, the WORD of God is potent with power to bring about change and that’s enough. The Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword, it cuts on every side (Heb. 4:12).

The victory is yours, take it

We are more than conquerors, even when you feel like you are loosing. This is where you reassure yourself that you have already won, so you stand on the victory that is already accomplished in Jesus Christ. We don’t guess our way as believers of this great faith, we know the outcome already. Good or bad days, they’ll come but you get to pick, how you will participate. There is a lifeline extended to you, when you feel like you are sinking take it, use it, He’s Jesus. Don’t take for granted what he can do. Really, when you give up too quickly, you rob yourself from seeing the victory.

You never loose when you never quit

You must note something, no one knows your story like you do. No one can live it, like you do. When the curtains come down it’s just you and Jesus alone to battle and to work it out. Rest assured though, that you and Jesus are a majority. The power of impact is not always measured in the multitude of the people iStrength on the mountainnvolved, but the quality of those who are involved. Employ your faith in the process, this will be a battle you will never loose as long as you determine in your heart that you will never quit. The greater one lives in you, and he is always on your side, just don’t give up too soon. Hang in there a little longer.

What are you most likely to give up on? For most people it’s your dreams and vision. What has God spoken to you, that you feel like time has gone and it seems like nothing is happening or going to happen? Share your experience and let’s pray. – Coming Soon!

Prayer for strength: sinking in the sea of fear

Have you ever felt like you were sinking in the sea of doubt or fear?

Peter walks on waterPeter can tell his story so very well.

Matthew 14: 22-31
Jesus sent his disciples ahead of him in the boat to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd (Matt 14:22). He used his alone time to go up the mountainside to pray. By the time he decided to follow his disciples the boat was already a considerable distance from land. It was buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it (Matt 14:23-24). By dawn Jesus did something incredible, he went out to meet them. Not with another boat, but walking on the water. So what do you think the disciples would do, seeing a figure of a man coming towards them? Yep! They cried out in fear (Matt 14: 25). Jesus immediately calm their fears, by speaking courage to them and telling them do not fear. One thing we must always understand, no matter what things look like, Jesus never tolerates fear. Fear is a natural response of man when he feels threaten by impending danger or evil. BUT, Jesus still does not give us a reason to fear, because there is really none. Fear is having more confidence in the worse happening than the good working out some how.

Let’s check out Peter’s experience

Peter was the bold one, willing to try strange things and always the first to speak up. He wanted to do what Jesus was doing and Jesus agreed. It wasn’t long before Peter was distracted by the rough waters, takes his eyes off Jesus and begins to sink (Matt. 14:30).

Peter walks on water2Jesus never allowed doubt and fear to ride and ignored it, he spoke to Peter unequivocally as Matthew 14:31 records,  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Peter’s focus was on Jesus when he stepped out of the boat, but it was only a few steps, when Peter takes his eyes of Jesus, sees the wind, becomes afraid and starting to sink. The very thing he focuses  his attention on, begins to engulf and consume him with fear. Fear grips Peter’s heart and as a result he begins to sink. But his story doesn’t end there, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Praise God he knew what to do. Jesus reached out his loving hand and caught Peter before he sunk. That’s amazing News for us. Because He is a loving God and will never let us sink in the sea of our fear, unbelief, doubt or despair.

That’s what the wrong focus will do. Focusing on the cares and issues of life will bring fear.

Jesus’s response to Peter resonates with us today, as a super lesson of trust. I could imagine Jesus asking me this question, “You of little faith,” “why did you doubt?” This is a universal question God asks all of us. How many times has he come through for us but when something challenging arises we still fear and doubt him. Why do we doubt God when we know how good and wonderful he is to us? Jesus will never let you fall. It is amazing that Jesus caught Peter just before he went down. He is there to catch us at all times. He is there to pick us up when we fall, correct us when we err. Yes and even when we doubt. He has a no tolerance policy on doubt, but he loves us anyway and will help to bring us to a place of faith in him.

My Prayer for you today is that you will focus on Jesus and not on all the things out there clamoring for your attention. And when you find yourself in despair, call out to Jesus, he is only a prayer away.

Whose mirror are you looking into?

  Whose mirror are you looking into?

ManyBible people measure themselves through the eyes of others’ opinion. Some people’s lives are literally consumed with the way people think about them. It is dangerous to allow another person to become your mirror in life. Sometimes they are your leaders, managers, parents, friends, or teachers. What if their opinion of you is not desirable. Will you allow mere man to define who you are, when they only see fragments of your life?

Take time to define or possibly refine your life through the eyes of God’s word. You are worth more than someone’s opinion of you. Seek your Creator. He knows your name, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered (Luke 12:7).” If he knows the very minute details of your life, surely he knows how to lead you into discovering your best life.

Bask in the presence of a God who knows you well, flaws and all, but love you anyway. Understand this, Man can and sometimes will disappoint, but God always appointed . He takes our set back and makes them setups, he takes the bitter of our lives and makes them sweet. Which mirror are you looking into today? How about this one, Psalm (139:14) “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Jeremiah (29:11). “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you not harm you, plans to give hope and a future.”

My prayer for us today is that we will see ourselves through the eyes of God.

Be blessed and walk in God confidence.


Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,… (Eph. 3:21).

We are afraid to ASK for anything, even when we desperately need something. Quite frankly the people we rely on have their share of issues to deal with, so we think we are intruding on their time and depleting their resources. Life experiences have caused us to be careful about what to ask for, when to ask and who to ask. What we do many time is, we create coping mechanisms and find ways to meet our own needs. If you are like me, you don’t particularly like asking people for anything unless it is absolutely necessary.

The great news is God is not bound by human limitations.  He can do whatever you ask for in prayer. The only limitation is you. Jesus said to the Centurion “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” What will you ask God to do today, when you know, Jesus says, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matt 21:22).” The whatever factor qualifies us to ask for whatever. Do not allow pride or past experiences to deter you from asking God to meet that need in your life. So come boldly before his throne and ask. Jesus always commended those who approached him in faith. That’s all we need, faith in his ability not ours.

Be Blessed.

Overshadow by the Holy Spirit

The HOLY SPIRIT will overshadow you

 Luke 1:26-38

The angel of the Lord went to Mary with a profound greeting, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women (Luke 1:28).” Mary was curious and inquired of the angel, the meaning of the greeting. The angel’s response was very common, “Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus…”

Mary wants to know how could this be possible, being a virgin. The angel of the Lord answered, “THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL COME UPON YOU, AND THE POWER OF THE MOST HIGH WILL OVERSHADOW YOU. SO THE HOLY ONE WILL BE BORN AND HE WILL BE CALLED THE SON OF GOD (Luke 1:30-31).”

 God gave Mary an assignment that was way beyond her human capacity. She was unable to give birth to God’s divine plan through human invention. Even if she had the help of Joseph, it would still be totally impossible to birth this God life. There was no way Mary could pull this off without the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had to plant the incorruptible seed into Mary’s womb, but it was her job to nurture and give birth to him. As a result Jesus was born being fully God and fully man.

Countless times the Lord has impressed visions upon us, but we push it off, take it lightly, or we worry about how in the world are we going to accomplish the assignment or dream God shows us. What we need, just like Mary is the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. God will never give us an assignment that he has not committed himself to bring to completion in our lives. Mary didn’t have to worry how this God child would be conceived, it was done by the Holy Spirit.

Mary ask questions yet she did not question God’s ability neither did she ask questions in disbelief. She did not allow doubt and unbelief to fill her mind. She might have wondered why me, yet she did not allow it to hinder the work of God in her life. We question with our human intellect how can I even start much less see the fulfillment of this dream. Our job is not to question God in disbelief, but approach him in faith and absolute trust that He has a great plan working to get us from point A to point B.

Will you let the Holy Spirit take his rightful place in your life, working his will and good pleasure through you? God knows where you are going and how you’ll get there. Trust the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and do not be frightened by the greatness of the assignment or the fact that you have no idea how to move forward with it. The Holy Spirit empowers believers. God will not leave you clueless, that’s why he sent his Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, so yield to the Holy Spirit and allow him to overshadow you with supernatural power to accomplish your God given assignment.

Be blessed.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

Stay on course with the word

Stay on course with the word

Luke 1:38

 And Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy WORD.” And the angel departed from her.

 “Be it unto me according to thy WORD” Mary received a word, a request from God that she was favored to carry the savior of the world. Although, she could not understand it, she knew that if God said it and sanctioned it, she was going to be alright.

Taking the WORD of God seriously, brings you into a victorious place. When you let the WORD take precedence over everything that’s happening around you, and over every human reasoning, things will begin to move in the direction of the WORD.

We know the work of a compass- it is an instrument used to show directions and measure distances between points, among other things. Set the WORD of God as the compass of your life, leave the journey to God and watch the amazing discovery He brings along the way. Jesus knows how to steer your life-ON COURSE EVERYTIME and even of it’s off course he has a plan to redirect you and get you right back on course.

Biblical and historical writings record the virgin birth- a young woman who was favored by God, without fully understanding, that she was the vessel God would use to execute his divine plan of redemption for all mankind. She didn’t do anything special, she was just favored by God. You too can be a part of God’s amazing plan. Don’t quit on God and don’t quit on you.

 My prayer today for you- “May it be unto you according to His WORD” and His WORD is a lamp to lit your feet and a light to guide your path.

Be blessed!

Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth!

Trust God’s story

Trust God’s story

God’s story never ends in defeat (Neither will yours). So Stay in peace when all seems not to go well. He planned your days, lined up your scenes and establish your ending. As a movie is made up of different scenes, so is the course of our lives. Yet through all your changing scenes or seasons you will come out on top, when you choose to trust God in everything. God has already lined up all you need. He is the all powerful God. God’s plans for us are excellent. Trust God’s story, trust Him to write your story perfect. Watch Him make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Embrace who God says you are and see yourself through the mirror of his word not your circumstances. Know in all these things you are a chosen people, royal priesthood and God’s special possession…. (1 Peter 2:9).

Be Blessed.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!