Overcoming Fear: What rattles you?
What is that thing that’s causing you to feel nervous, worried, irritated, unnerved, disconcerted, disturbed, flustered, shaky, perturbed, discomposed or scared.
Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. [Acts 18:10.]
Isaiah 41:10Amplified Bible (AMP)
Today I walked with my kids on a familiar trail in one of the parks. I knew that there would be animals I did not care see, but never did I thought I would encounter a rattle snake. This was a small rattle snake, but just as dangerous for me. Someone was standing near the snake and pointed it out to us from a distance. My first reaction was of course fear. I stopped and many thoughts flooded my mind of how I can get around this snake without passing it. Rea
lly, it was the only way out of the park, and I knew I could not allow this snake big or small to rattle me.

Yes, I passed it and we were fine. At that time, I knew I could not allow fear to dominate my thoughts, thinking; Oh there might be many more here and now every sound in the bushes sounds like snake movement. I took authority over the fear I felt and that of my children. I spoke the word and kept on going. This is could describe anything you encounter, that poses a challenge or something that describes your greatest fears. It might take more than a venomous shake to rattle you, like it did me, but something else might.
The scripture says God will help us and uphold us and we must believe that he will.
I don’t know what your fears are today, but I know that God WILL help you overcome them.
God’s hands are not slippery, to hold us firm. Or his grip weak, so he lets us go. God’s hold on your life and mine are strong, steadfast and unbreakable. Others have dropped the ball, but he won’t.
There is really nothing to fear when God’s got you.
Be blessed!